Vortex Methods for Incompressible Flow Simulation on the GPU

We present a remeshed vortex particle method for incompressible flow simulations on GPUs. The particles are convected in a Lagrangian frame and are periodically reinitialized on a regular grid. The grid is used in addition to solve for the velocity–vorticity Poisson equation and for the computation of the diffusion operators. In the present GPU implementation of particle methods, the remeshing and the solution of the Poisson equation rely on fast and efficient mesh-particle interpolations. We demonstrate that particle remeshing introduces minimal artificial dissipation, enables a faster computation of differential operators on particles over grid-free techniques and can be efficiently implemented on GPUs. The results demonstrate that, contrary to common practice in particle simulations, it is necessary to remesh the (vortex) particle locations in order to solve accurately the equations they discretize, without compromising the speed of the method. The present method leads to simulations of incompressible vortical flows on GPUs with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

Vortex Methods for Incompressible Flow Simulation on the GPU

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