A Geometric Deformation Model for Stable Cloth Simulation

We propose an adapted shape-matching approach for the efficient and robust simulation of clothing. A combination of two different cluster types is employed to account for high stretching and shearing, and low bending resistance. Due to the inherent handling of overshooting issues, the proposed shape-matching deformation model is robust. The proposed cluster types allow for a computationally efficient handling of bending. The geometric deformation model is combined with a novel collision handling approach. The technique employs spatial subdivision to detect collisions and self-collisions. The response scheme is derived from an existing approach for elastic rods. To illustrate the physically plausible dynamics of our approach, it is compared to a traditional physically-based deformation model. Experiments indicate that similar cloth properties can be reproduced with both models. The computational efficiency of the proposed scheme enables the interactive animation of clothing and shells.

A Geometric Deformation Model for Stable Cloth Simulation

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