Codimensional Surface Tension Flow on Simplicial Complexes

Bo Zhu, Ed Quigley, Matthew Cong, Justin Solomon, and Ron Fedkiw Many visually interesting natural phenomena are characterized by thin liquid sheets, long filaments, and droplets. We present a new Lagrangian-based numerical method to simulate these codimensional surface tension driven phenomena using non-manifold simplicial complexes. Tetrahedra, triangles, segments, and points are used to model the fluid volume, thin films, filaments, […]

Simulating Articulated Subspace Self-Contact

Yun Teng, Miguel Otaduy, Theodore Kim We present an efficient new subspace method for simulating the self-contact of articulated deformable bodies, such as characters. Self-contact is highly structured in this setting, as the limited space of possible articulations produces a predictable set of coherent collisions. Subspace methods can leverage this coherence, and have been used in the past to accelerate […]

Detailed Water with Coarse Grids: Combining Surface Meshes and Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin

Essex Edwards, Robert Bridson We present a new adaptive fluid simulation method that captures a high resolution surface with precise dynamics, without an inefficient fine discretization of the entire fluid volume. Prior adap- tive methods using octrees or unstructured meshes carry large over- heads and implementation complexity. We instead stick with coarse regular Cartesian grids, […]

Animating Deformable Objects using Sparse Spacetime Constraints

Christian Schulz, Christoph von Tycowicz, Hans-Peter Seidel, Klaus Hildebrandt We propose a scheme for animating deformable objects based on spacetime optimization. The main feature is that it robustly and quickly (within a few seconds) generates interesting motion from a sparse set of spacetime constraints. Providing only partial (as opposed to full) keyframes for positions and […]