Continuous Collision Detection for Articulated Models using Taylor Models and Temporal Culling

“We present a fast continuous collision detection (CCD) algorithm for articulated models using Taylor models and temporal culling. Our algorithm is a generalization of conservative advancement (CA) from convex models [Mirtich 1996] to articulated models with non-convex links. Given the initial and final configurations of a moving articulated model, our algorithm creates a continuous motion […]

Adaptively Sampled Particle Fluids

“We present novel adaptive sampling algorithms for particle-based fluid simulation. We introduce a sampling condition based on geometric local feature size that allows focusing computational resources in geometrically complex regions, while reducing the number of particles deep inside the fluid or near thick flat surfaces. Further performance gains are achieved by varying the sampling density […]

Isosurface Stuffing: Fast Tetrahedral Meshing with Good Dihedral Angles

“The isosurface stuffing algorithm fills an isosurface with a uniformly sized tetrahedral mesh whose dihedral angles are bounded between 10.7◦ and 164.8◦, or (with a change in parameters) between 8.9◦ and 158.8◦. The algorithm is whip fast, numerically robust, and easy to implement because, like Marching Cubes, it generates tetrahedra from a small set of […]

A Finite Element Method for Animating Large Viscoplastic Flow

“We present an extension to Lagrangian finite element methods to allow for large plastic deformations of solid materials. These behaviors are seen in such everyday materials as shampoo, dough, and clay as well as in fantastic gooey and blobby creatures in special effects scenes. To account for plastic deformation, we explicitly update the linear basis […]

A Fast Variational Framework for Accurate Solid-Fluid Coupling

“Physical simulation has emerged as a compelling animation technique, yet current approaches to coupling simulations of fluids and solids with irregular boundary geometry are inefficient or cannot handle some relevant scenarios robustly. We propose a new variational approach which allows robust and accurate solution on relatively coarse Cartesian grids, allowing possibly orders of magnitude faster […]

A Variational Approach to Eulerian Geometry Processing

“We present a purely Eulerian framework for geometry processing of surfaces and foliations. Contrary to current Eulerian methods used in graphics, we use conservative methods and a variational interpretation, offering a unified framework for routine surface operations such as smoothing, offsetting, and animation. Computations are performed on a fixed volumetric grid without recourse to Lagrangian […]

Curl-Noise for Procedural Fluid Flow

“Procedural methods for animating turbulent fluid are often preferred over simulation, both for speed and for the degree of animator control. We offer an extremely simple approach to efficiently generating turbulent velocity fields based on Perlin noise, with a formula that is exactly incompressible (necessary for the characteristic look of everyday fluids), exactly respects solid […]