Real-Time Control of Physically Based Simulations Using Gentle Forces

Recent advances have brought real-time physically based simulation within reach, but simulations are still difficult to control in real time. We present interactive simulations of passive systems such as deformable solids or fluids that are not only fast, but also directable: they follow given input trajectories while simultaneously reacting to user input and other unexpected […]

SIGGRAPH Asia 2008 papers

The list of SIGGRAPH Asia papers is up… For physics, there’s basically 5 papers: Magnets in Motion Real-time Control of Physically Based Simulations using Gentle Forces Staggered Projections for Frictional Contact in Multibody Systems Optimizing Cubature for Efficient Integration of Subspace Deformations Fast Animation of Turbulence Using Energy Transport and Procedural Synthesis

Staggered Projections for Frictional Contact in Multibody Systems

We present a new discrete velocity-level formulation of frictional contact dynamics that reduces to a pair of coupled projections and introduce a simple fixed-point property of this coupled system. This allows us to construct a novel algorithm for accurate frictional contact resolution based on a simple staggered sequence of projections. The algorithm accelerates performance using […]

Efficient Contact Modeling using Compliance Warping

Precise contact modeling is essential when simulating rigid or deformable objects in interaction. Yet, most recent work in computer graphics has focused on the computation of the motion or deformation of objects, and little has been done to model the interaction between simulated objects. In this paper, we propose a novel and very efficient approach […]

Adaptive Particles for Incompressible Fluid Simulation

We propose a particle-based technique for simulating incompressible fluid that includes adaptive refinement of particle sampling. Each particle represents a mass of fluid in its local region. Particles are split into several particles for finer sampling in regions of complex flow. In regions of smooth flow, neighboring particles can be merged. Depth below the surface […]

Vortex Methods for Incompressible Flow Simulation on the GPU

We present a remeshed vortex particle method for incompressible flow simulations on GPUs. The particles are convected in a Lagrangian frame and are periodically reinitialized on a regular grid. The grid is used in addition to solve for the velocity–vorticity Poisson equation and for the computation of the diffusion operators. In the present GPU implementation […]

Real-time Animation of Sand-Water Interaction

Recent advances in physically-based simulations have made it possible to generate realistic animations. However, in the case of solid-fluid coupling, wetting effects have rarely been noticed despite their visual importance especially in interactions between fluids and granular materials. This paper presents a simple particle-based method to model the physical mechanism of wetness propagating through granular […]

Optimizing Cubature for Efficient Integration of Subspace Deformations

We propose an efficient scheme for evaluating nonlinear subspace forces (and Jacobians) associated with subspace deformations. The core problem we address is efficient integration of the subspace force density over the 3D spatial domain. Similar to Gaussian quadrature schemes that efficiently integrate functions that lie in particular polynomial subspaces, we propose cubature schemes (multi-dimensional quadrature) […]

Magnets in Motion

We introduce magnetic interaction for rigid body simulation. Our approach is based on an equivalent dipole method and as such it is discrete from the ground up. Our approach is symmetric as we base both field and force computations on dipole interactions. Enriching rigid body simulation with magnetism allows for many new and interesting possibilities […]

Algoryx and Phun, CMLabs

There seem to be quite a few companies in the business of physics simulation these days. Graham Fyffe pointed out this one to me: Algoryx focuses on 3D multi-physics simulations. They are also responsible for the Phun demo I posted a while ago, that has also been floating around YouTube.   Another company that does rigid-body […]