Unified Particle Physics for Real-Time Applications

Miles Macklin, Matthias Müller, Nuttapong Chentanez, and Tae-Yong Kim We present a unified dynamics framework for real-time visual effects. Using particles connected by constraints as our fundamental building block allows us to treat contact and collisions in a unified manner, and we show how this representation is flexible enough to model gases, liquids, deformable solids, […]

Robust Hair Capture Using Simulated Examples

Liwen Hu, Chongyang Ma, Linjie Luo, and Hao Li We introduce a data-driven hair capture framework based on example strands generated through hair simulation. Our method can robustly reconstruct faithful 3D hair models from unprocessed input point clouds with large amounts of outliers. Current state-of-the-art techniques use geometrically-inspired heuristics to derive global hair strand structures, […]

Inverse Dynamic Hair Modeling with Frictional Contact

Alexandre Derouet-Jourdan, Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Gilles Daviet, Joelle Thollot In the latest years, considerable progress has been achieved for accurately acquiring the geometry of human hair, thus largely improving the realism of virtual characters. In parallel, rich and robust physics-based simulators have been successfully designed to capture the intricate dynamics of hair due to contact and […]

Fast Simulation of Inextensible Hair and Fur

Matthias Mueller, Tae-Young Kim, Nuttapong Chentanez In this short paper we focus on the fast simulation of hair and fur on animated characters. While it is common in films to simulate single hair strands on virtual humans and on furry animals, those features are either not present on characters in computer games or modeled with […]

Artistic Simulation of Curly Hair

Hayley Iben, Mark Meyer, Lena Petrovic, Olivier Soares, John Anderson, Andrew Witkin We present a novel method for stably simulating stylized curly hair that addresses artistic needs and performance demands, both found in the production of feature films. To satisfy the artistic requirement of maintaining the curl’s helical shape during motion, we propose a hair […]

Wetting Effects in Hair Simulation

Witawat Rungjiratananon, Yoshihiro Kanamori, Tomoyuki Nishita There is considerable recent progress in hair simulations, driven by the high demands in computer animated movies. However, capturing the complex interactions between hair and water is still relatively in its infancy. Such interactions are best modeled as those between water and an anisotropic permeable medium as water can flow into […]


Florence Bertails-Descoubes Piecewise clothoids are 2D curves with continuous, piecewise linear curvature. Due to their smoothness properties, they have been extensively used in road design and robot path planning, as well as for the compact representation of hand-drawn curves. In this paper we present the Super-Clothoid model, a new mechanical model that for the first […]

A Hybrid Iterative Solver for Robustly Capturing Coulomb Friction in Hair Dynamics

Gilles Daviet, Florence Bertails-Descoubes, Laurence Boissieux Dry friction between hair fibers plays a major role in the collective hair dynamic behavior as it accounts for typical nonsmooth features such as stick-slip instabilities. However, due the challenges posed by the modeling of nonsmooth friction, previous mechanical models for hair either neglect friction or use an approximate […]

Large-Scale Dynamic Simulation of Highly Constrained Strands

Shinjiro Sueda, Garrett L. Jones, David I. W. Levin, Dinesh K. Pai A significant challenge in applications of computer animation is the simulation of ropes, cables, and other highly constrained strand-like physical curves. Such scenarios occur frequently, for instance, when a strand wraps around rigid bodies or passes through narrow sheaths. Purely Lagrangian methods designed for less constrained […]

Solid Simulation with Oriented Particles

We propose a new fast and robust method to simulate various types of solid including rigid, plastic and soft bodies as well as one, two and three dimensional structures such as ropes, cloth and volumetric objects. The underlying idea is to use oriented particles that store rotation and spin, along with the usual linear attributes, […]