Stable Inverse Dynamic Curves

2d animation is a traditional but fascinating domain that has recently regained popularity both in animated movies and video games. This paper introduces a method for automatically converting a smooth sketched curve into a 2d dynamic curve at stable equilibrium under gravity. The curve can then be physically animated to produce secondary motions in 2d […]

Discrete Viscous Threads

We present a continuum-based discrete model for thin threads of viscous fluid by drawing upon the Rayleigh analogy to elastic rods, demonstrating canonical coiling, folding, and breakup in dynamic simulations. Our derivation emphasizes space-time symmetry, which sheds light on the role of time-parallel transport in eliminating — without approximation — all but an O(n) band […]

Unified Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids

We develop an accurate, unified treatment of elastica. Following the method of resultant-based formulation to its logical extreme, we derive a higher-order integration rule, or elaston, measuring stretching, shearing, bending, and twisting along any axis. The theory and accompanying implementation do not distinguish between forms of different dimension (solids, shells, rods), nor between manifold regions […]

Linear Time Super-Helices

Thin elastic rods such as cables, phone coils, tree branches, or hair, are common objects in the real world but computing their dynamics accurately remains challenging. The recent Super-Helix model, based on the discrete equations of Kirchhoff for a piecewise helical rod, is one of the most promising models for simulating non-stretchable rods that can […]