Local Bases for Model-reduced Smoke Simulations

Olivier Mercier, Derek Nowrouzezahrai

We present a flexible model reduction method for simulating incompressible fluids. We derive a novel vector field basis composed of localized basis flows that have simple analytic forms and can be tiled on regular lattices, avoiding the use of complicated data structures or neighborhood queries. Local basis flow interactions can be precomputed and reused to simulate fluid dynamics on any simulation domain without additional overhead. We introduce heuristic simulation dynamics tailored to our basis and derived from a projection of the Navier-Stokes equations to produce physically plausible motion, exposing intuitive parameters to control energy distribution across scales. Our basis can adapt to curved simulation boundaries, can be coupled with dynamic obstacles, and offers simple adjustable trade-offs between speed and visual resolution.

Local Bases for Model-reduced Smoke Simulations

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