High Density Ratio Multi-fluid Simulation with Peridynamics

Han Yan, Bo Ren

Multiple fluid simulation has raised wide research interest in recent years. Despite the impressive successes of current works, simulation of scenes containing mixing or unmixing of high-density-ratio phases using particle-based discretizations still remains a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a peridynamic mixture-model theory that stably handles high-density-ratio multi-fluid simulations. With assistance of novel scalar-valued volume flow states, a particle based discretization scheme is proposed to calculate all the terms in the multi-phase Navier-Stokes equations in an integral form, We also design a novel mass updating strategy for enhancing phase mass conservation and reducing particle volume variations under high density ratio settings in multi-fluid simulations. As a result, we achieve significantly stabler simulations in mixture-model multi-fluid simulations involving mixing and unmixing of high density ratio phases. Various experiments and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

High Density Ratio Multi-fluid Simulation with Peridynamics

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